Monday, October 4, 2010

Pictures of the new house!

So this is the first view you see when coming up the driveway, our driveway goes off to the left there where the van is and the lane goes in behind where our landlord lives. Just behind that tree is the backdoor entrance that we use.
This is the front deck I suppose, that door leads into the living room.
And this is the other side, so as you can see it is not the biggest lot ever, and there really is not a whole lot of lawn. But the deck you see here is connected to our bedroom.
This is the entryway when you enter the side door.
This is the rest of the entry way when you look to the right, as you can see thats where the washer and dryer and one of those weird sinks are, and there are some good shelves and a closet. 
 And when you come in from the entryway this is what you come to, the kitchen/dinning room.
 And this is our table and the entrance to the living room.
Entering the living room and looking to the left is Petri's corner, we just got him a new table do he sits up nice and high in there.
And this is the living room looking strait on, with petri behind us. If my picture was not so out of focus, you would see your oil reeds on the 2nd highest bookshelf shelf, on the far left.
This is the right corner of the living room where the entrance to to the front deck is.
This is a ground level view of the deck, I am not sure why I did that, This is the only place where we have a view of the water, not the greatest view, but you can see it!
Coming back through the kitchen on the way to the 'office'/spare room, you can see our fridge, cool bamboo, and interesting shelves they put in.

 Here is the office! The flat desk on the left is the one we just got at liquidation world for 20$, it was a steal!
 And here is the other book shelf we bought that day also, I put it together and it was super lame and difficult.
 Coming back through the kitchen again, that is the entrance to the bathroom, and to the right of it from the kitchen there is an entrance to the bedroom. In the pic you can see the entrance to the bedroom from the bathroom.
 Here is the vanity.
 And here is down to the throne, on the left you can see a bit of white, thats where the closet is.
 And here is the bedroom, with our lack of bedside tables! But with the new duvet cover!
 And there is the closet/ haha wall of mirror and you can also see in these pics the deck that comes off the bedroom.
 And that is the conclusion of the tour! Hope you enjoyed! And tell me what you think!


  1. Awesome Maggie!!

    Looks very cozy and (tidy!)

    I'm impressed.

    Love your Blog.


  2. Hi Maggie!!!

    I saw these pics last week and have to say, your place is very nice! Great spot with great windows!!!

    Your dad is right - very tidy and excellent blog!

    Miss you!

